but mostly in the live journal, which i am getting bored of.
i was rickrolled by weezer in thier tune 'Heartsongs' off the Red Album.
i love the song because it speaks of how songs can mean so much to you.
they mention all the songs that touch you wether it be happy times or sad
or even silly. they mention cheesey 80's tunes, metal rock that made them want to learn guitar,
songs that made you really FEEL, songs that inspired them to become the band they are now.
So i decided to write about some of mine, a few at a time so i don't get emo on y'all. well, more so than usual.
Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant reminds me of my brother and his buddies torturing me at my 16th birthday party. Bill wanted to be the DJ and we let him, but ONLY if he did not play that song! so he promised. of course, he ended up putting it on 5 or 6 times. i remember trying to grab the 45 and throw it in the little stream next to our yard. even though they still played it, most of the party guests enjoyed the song :)
Overkill by Men At Work was a favorite back in high school but years later the greatness of this song was remembered when i lived in Mt Pocono, PA. I used to go see a local band who covered this song and it brings back good memories of a rough part of my life. It was especially fun when the bass player would sing the high part at the end and the crowd would be rooting him so he could make the high notes. There are many "heart songs" associated with this time.
Such Great Heights by Iron and Wine (also covered by The Postal Service) was a song i loved right away. It became more special when i became Cassidy's Mom, and the first time i ever held he and looked in her eyes, the first lines of the song popped into my head - "I think that it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned." it became her lullaby every night for the first few months of her life. Michael and i were married when she was about 3 months old and at our reception she and i had a little dance to this song.
more to come....

Cassidy and Jenne, May 2008
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